Geglia, John Vincent


Geglia, John Vincent Geglia, Michael John Amthor, Florence Mary Amthor, George Joseph Giangregorio, Bianca Maria Amelia


Father Date of Birth Mother Date of Birth
 Geglia, Michael John 08/1953  Amthor, Florence Mary 05/26/1954

Partners & Children

Partners Date of Birth Children


Event Type Date Place Country Description
Birth 08/12/1991 Rochester, Monroe, NY




World History

Date Age Event Category
08/05/1930 - Today (-61.1) Life of Neil Armstrong Personalities
02/06/1952 - Today (-39.5) Queen of the United Kingdom: Elizabeth II Great Britain
02/24/1955 - Today (-36.5) Life of Steven 'Steve' Paul Jobs Personalities
10/01/1982 - 10/27/1998 (-8.9) - 7.2 Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany: Helmut Kohl Germany - Chancellors
01/20/1989 - 01/20/1993 (-2.6) - 1.4 President of the United States of America: George H. W. Bush USA - Presidents
12/08/1991 0.3 Signing of the Belavezha Accords, declaring the Soviet Union dissolved Russia
1992 - 1996 0.4 - 4.4 Afghan Civil War Wars & Military Conflicts
01/20/1993 - 01/20/2001 1.4 - 9.4 President of the United States of America: Bill Clinton USA - Presidents
08/04/1993 2.0 Introduction of the Apple Newton Apple Inc. - Corporate History
11/01/1993 2.2 Founding of the European Union (EU) Europian Union
1994 - 1996 2.4 - 4.4 First Chechen War ('War in Chechnya') Wars & Military Conflicts
01/17/1995 3.4 Kobe Earthquake Disasters
1998 - 2003 6.4 - 11.4 Second Congo War ('Great War of Africa') Wars & Military Conflicts
1998 - 1999 6.4 - 7.4 Kosovo War ('Kosovo Conflict') Wars & Military Conflicts
08/15/1998 7.0 Introduction of the Apple iMac Apple Inc. - Corporate History
10/27/1998 - 11/22/2005 7.2 - 14.3 Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany: Gerhard Schröder Germany - Chancellors
01/01/1999 7.4 ECU as an internal accounting unit in the European Community Europian Union
01/20/2001 - 01/20/2009 9.4 - 17.5 President of the United States of America: George W. Bush USA - Presidents
09/11/2001 10.1 September 11 attacks ('9/11') USA
10/07/2001 - Today 10.2 Afghanistan War Wars & Military Conflicts
10/23/2001 10.2 Apple iPod introduced Apple Inc. - Corporate History
01/01/2002 10.4 Introduction of the Euro Europian Union
03/20/2003 - Today 11.6 Third Gulf War ('Iraq War') Wars & Military Conflicts
12/26/2004 13.4 Indian Ocean Tsunami Disasters
06/06/2005 13.8 Apple switches to Intel CPU architecture Apple Inc. - Corporate History
11/22/2005 - Today 14.3 Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany: Angela Merkel Germany - Chancellors
01/09/2007 15.4 Introduction of the Apple iPhone Apple Inc. - Corporate History
01/20/2009 - Today 17.5 President of the United States of America: Barack Obama USA - Presidents


Name Degree of KinshipDate of BirthPlace of BirthDate of DeathPlace of Death
Geglia, MichaelBrother12/18/1986Rochester, Monroe, NY
Geglia, Michael JohnFather08/1953Watertown, Jefferson, NY 13601
Amthor, Florence MaryMother05/26/1954Brooklyn, Kings, NY
Amthor, George JosephGrandfather04/04/1911Ozone Park, Queens, NY 1141703/18/2001Watertown, Jefferson, NY 13601
Giangregorio, Bianca Maria AmeliaGrandmother12/18/1921Apice, Benevento, Italy
Great Grand Parents
Giangregorio, NazzanoGreat Grandfather11/15/1871Apice, Benevento, Italy04/1936Brooklyn, Kings, NY
Amthor, William GeorgeGreat Grandfather12/30/1879Brooklyn, Kings, NY12/11/1939Ozone Park, Queens, NY 11417
Conroy, Lavinia MaryGreat Grandmother01/25/188104/03/1950Ozone Park, Queens, NY 11417
Frisella, LucreziaGreat Grandmother10/03/1883Apice, Benevento, Italy05/04/1961Ozone Park, Queens, NY 11417
Uncle and Aunts
Pierce, TracyUncle
Amthor, William GeorgeUncle10/15/1955New York Methodist Hosp., Brooklyn, Kings, NY 11215
Livingston, Norma JaneAunt09/29/1957Hepburn Hosp., Ogdensburg, St Lawrence, NY 13669
Bull, GaryUncle04/23/1959
Amthor, Lidia MarieAunt05/20/1959
Amthor, Georgianna KarenAunt08/01/1960Brooklyn, Kings, NY
Grand Uncles and Aunts
Giangregorio, AdeleGrand Aunt10/24/1908Apice, Benevento, Italy03/31/1998Rupert, Minidoka, ID 83350
Amthor, Vivian FlorenceGrand Aunt07/25/1909Ozone Park, Queens, NY 1141707/18/1989Blue Hill, Hancock, ME 04614
Giangregorio, AgathaGrand Aunt08/07/1910Apice, Benevento, Italy11/29/1996Hollywood, Broward, FL 33023
Amthor, Robert FrancisGrand Uncle11/10/1912Ozone Park, Queens, NY07/20/1955NY
Gregorio, FrankGrand Uncle12/08/1915Apice, Benevento, Italy05/1985Brooklyn, Kings, NY 11214
Gregorio, LouisGrand Uncle07/11/1917Apice, Benevento, Italy07/02/2002Chambersburg, Franklin, PA 17201
Giangregorio, AntonioGrand Uncle10/02/1919Apice, Benevento, Italy
Cousins 1st Grade
Bull, Lance NikolasFirst Cousin09/14/1988New Jersey
Bull, Brett WalterFirst Cousin10/18/1994New Jersey
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